^_^ Fan Fics! The library is pretty small now, so submit stories to me! There are rules and guidelines you MUST follow; so check those out before you even think of sending me your fic. *^_^* Please do me and the authors here a favor and read our fics!

.....Amazon .....Firestorm.....Iceangel.....Rachel.....Sakeri.....
.....Sarena.....Shateu.....Suki the Dreamer.....

A Tale of Horror
Rated: PG-13
“Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you don’t know can’t hurt you…”
Chapters 1 2 3 4

The Power of Freindship
Rated: PG/angst
After getting into a fight with Kento, Cye is involved in a terrible accident, one that Kento blames himself for.
Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Starlight Hearts
Rated: G
A new evil arises. New allies are made, but does it change the end?
Chapters 1 2 3 4
***This is the first part of a series***

The Ronin Excuse Form
Rated: G
Title says it all!


Mia, A Ronin Warrior?!
Rated: G
**Summary Lost**
Chapters 1

Rated: G
**Summary Lost**
Chapters 1 2
Horror Night
Rated: G
**Summary Lost**
Chapters 1 2
Rated: PG/Angst
**Summary Lost**
Chapters 1 2
Pulling Pranks at School
Rated: G
**Summary Lost**
Chapters 1 2

**I know....I know.....most of my fic's havn't been up in a LONG time. It's just... I've only just begun to conquer this writers block I was having and....decided that I should re-edit most if my fics.And 90% are unfinished and will more than likly never get finished, unless I miracously get some amazing insperation to continue.. I promise to try finish some of them though, and add more *normal* Ronin fic's.**

Love's A Lost Thought
Rated: PG-13
Ryo and Rowan fall in love with the same girl, and through a turn of events...everything goes wrong.

****down to be re-written****

Dear Journal
Rated: G
Just a little browse into Sage's head.

First Day
Rated: G
A girl named Miharu starts her first day in school. ^_^ Yuli is her closet classmate(I've always wanted to write a fic with Yuli in it!). And the Ronin cast are her teachers!!

****down to be re-written****

Rainy Day Man
Rated: G
My first fic of this sort. Kento breaks up with Sarena and she's left heartbroken. You'd never guess who comes to her rescue.

****down to be re-written****

What War Can Bring
Rated: G
I sorta wrote this fic for another site. A girl named Misty relize's she has a lost armor. But will Tulpa capture her before she can learn to control her new power?
Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6
     Chapter 3-6 New!

Kento's Random Thoughts
Rated: G
Title is the explanation. ***not what you'd expect**

Future Failures
Rated: G
The 'Three K Trio' is sent from the future to stop/kill the Ronin Warriors. Inorder to prevent the Ronin armor from destroying the future.

Don't Forget
Rated: G
Sarena recives a letter from her parent and sets out to find them.
Chapters    Prolog

You Can't Control Me
Rated: G
**This story begins in the long ago past**
A girl on her way to Japan is intercepted by Tulpa and forced to be a Warlord servant.
Chapters 1

Fighting for Tommrow
Rated: G
New armor bearers are chosen and the Ronins set out to find them.
This is the first part of a series.
****preview of a new fic****


Ronin Performance
Rated: G
**Summary Lost**
Chapters 1

Mark of the Wolf
Rated: G
**Summary Lost**
Chapters 1


Oki's Last Hope
Co-Written with Sarena
Rated: NC-17
After a tramatizing experiance, Oki is forced to live with the Ronins and remember. Cut along with that she gets in the middle of a love triangle.
Chapters 1 2 3


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