The series Ronin Warriors/YST has been showed in many countries, in many languages. This is my little guide from japanese-to-english. If you know the characters in any other language (and you know your correct) then ;_; email it to me. Make the subject "Ronin Warriors in Diffrent Languages". Thanks!
More japanese translations soon!

English - Japanese
Ronin Warriors - Yoridon Samurai Troopers
Ryo Ryo Sanada Kento Shuu(Xui) Lei Fang
Cye Shin Mouri Rowan Touma Hashiba
Sage Seiji Date
Warlords - Masho
Anubis Shuten Doji Dais Rajura
Kale Anubis Sekhment Naaza
The Others
Mia Koji Nasutei Yagiyu Yuli Jun Yamato
WhiteBlaze Byakuen

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